September 15, 2016

Why I Quit My Salaried Corporate Marketing Job In A Recession

You only live once. 

A quote I see pinned, posted, shared & recited every day. But how many of us truly embrace this motto? How many of us really live each day like it could be our last? 

I recently left my corporate, well paying career in marketing to jump head first into my entrepreneurial journey. In a recession.

The idea of running a small business, full time, was always the end goal and something I thought frequently about. But, amidst the doom & gloom of the oil crash it just didn't seem like "the best time." 

In the past year I have seen people lose loved ones too soon, people leave relationships they thought they were stuck in, people overcome crippling hardships & thought to myself: if not now, when? 

I don't know if I made the right decision, but I can tell you this. I no longer have to convince myself each day that I love my job. I truly love what I do, and no matter the outcome I will be satisfied knowing that I took a chance instead of wondering "what if" forever.